
BEYOND (www.beyonddent.com) is a one-session treatment that has no side effects and does not damage your teeth. Its effect extends over 2 years. The beyond cold whitenig technique is absolutely safe. All children start with beautiful teeth, but colored foods, liquids such as coffee or soy sauce can discolor the surface of the teeth. After a while, these tasks penetrate deeper into the tooth. As with often used clothing, it is difficult to restore teeth to their original shine with conventional methods. But Beyond technology cleans both the surface of the tooth and its internal structure.

The beyond cold light tooth whitening machine uses a narrow beam of blue light with a wavelength between 480 and 520 nanometers. A special optical process removes harmful infrared and ultraviolet light. A whitening liquid containing hydrogen peroxide and 20 nanometers of silicon dioxide rapidly oxidizes the entire surface of 16 or more teeth, during a short treatment, and returns the teeth to their original whiteness. Tests show that after whitening with Beyond, teeth are whiter by 5 to 14 points on the VITA scale. The result is 30% better compared to whitening kits to use at home and much better than the results obtained by comparable methods. With Beyond, the whitening process takes 30 minutes in all. More than a million Americans already use this method. By using low temperatures, cold light helps to avoid irritating the nerves of the tooth. Only natural teeth react to whitening. Ceramic teeth will not whiten. Beyond is the safest and most effective method to whiten teeth to date.